Melisa’s Books


Life has many Big Moments that bring joy and excitement. We all look forward to travelling overseas, buying a home, building a family, getting our first real job, meeting the one. But all these moments also come with risk if you are not properly prepared.

Big Moments will help you navigate the challenging crossroads of life and avoid the most common Big Moments mistakes. Melisa Sloan draws on her extensive expertise as a lawyer as well as calling on a fantastic group of experts to share their advice, covering important topics such as:

Landing your first real pay cheque

Getting to ‘I do’

Embracing your identity

The tiny human arrival

Starting a hustle

Caring for an ageing parent

Landing in splitsville

Life is full of curveballs – that’s what makes it interesting. This book is a wonderful resource to help you live your best life, equipped with the confidence to make the right decisions for you.

“A fantastic book that dives deep into the big moments in life and offer really practical advice to help navigate them. It’s thought provoking, well written and helpful. “Big Moments” is a great read for people of all ages. I really like Melisa Sloan’s first book – Legacy. This one is another quality read.”

– Andrew Griffith

“A fantastic book that dives deep into the big moments in life and offer really practical advice to help navigate them. It’s thought provoking, well written and helpful. “Big Moments” is a great read for people of all ages. I really like Melisa Sloan’s first book – Legacy. This one is another quality read.”

– Andrew Griffith

Big Moments Resources

Big Moments provide many valuable resources that help you navigate those Big Moments through your life journey.

Legacy Book

Do you worry about what will happen to your family and loved ones in the event of your death or if you become incapacitated?

Have you been planning to put your Estate Plan in place but don’t know where to start?

Melisa’s first book, Legacy: How to take care of the most important person in your life when you are no longer here, helps you navigate Estate Planning, answering the most commonly asked questions along the way so that you have clarity and knowledge to put an Estate Plan that takes care of your family and loved ones.

What to look for in appointing an executor of your Will and guardian of your minor children

How to make provision for your business, companies, trusts and structures

Dealing with international assets

How to make provision for a disabled child or children who cannot manage their own inheritance

The different ways to leave your loved ones their inheritance

Your Final Farewell

“I have to say this has to be one of the most important and best books that I have read. There are so many points throughout this book which made me think about my own Will and what I need to make sure I am covered. It’s s definite “must read” for everybody.”

– Shona Lethbridge

“I have to say this has to be one of the most important and best books that I have read. There are so many points throughout this book which made me think about my own Will and what I need to make sure I am covered. It’s s definite “must read” for everybody.”

– Shona Lethbridge

Reader Feedback

Melisa has created a really useful resource that guides readers through life’s big decisions. With her friendly style, it feels like sitting down at the kitchen counter over a cup of tea for some sensible advice from a wise friend. Backed up by experts who tackle specialist areas, it both opened my eyes to issues I hadn’t thought about and reassured me they could be managed. I wish I’d had this book available when I was younger as it would have helped me tackle life’s big moments with confidence. I will be putting this into the hands of my young friends who are navigating leaving home, starting a career, heading overseas, getting hitched and starting a family.

Fiona McLay
Tech enabled lawyer evangelist
Founder of McLay Legal Consulting

I can’t speak more highly of Melisa’s book in helping young adults meet all the new challenges they face for the first time with confidence. This is the guide book they need to help them every step of the way with a path forward. Melisa has written it very cleverly. She connects with her target audience through relatability, authenticity and without judgment. The other key part of the book that stands out is how she has tapped into so many experts across so many important areas of life’s progression. And those resources are all in the one book. I remember when I was growing up, it was almost a prerequisite a Melways was a gift for most people turning 18 to throw in the back of the newly purchased car to accompany the fresh driver’s license. It could be argued this book should be the new prerequisite gift from parents to their children as they become young adults. Instead of navigating the roads, this book will help you navigate all the big moments in life with all the expert advice in the one book. 

Adam White
Sports Broadcaster and Media Training and Media Management Consulting, Media Champions

When the first of my children was born, my mother said to me,  “It’s such a shame children don’t come with a handbook or manual. It would make raising them so much easier.” Several decades on, Melisa Sloan has penned an operating manual, not for babies but for the likes of my now-adult- children as they navigate some more of life’s milestones or Big Moments. Melisa applies her pragmatic lawyerly mind to the big issues and transactions that can stop us in our tracks as adults of any age. I intend to gift this book to each of my 3 children as the guide I wish I’d had. It would have made adulting so much easier!

Anne-Marie David
Executive Director, College of Law Queensland

” I devoured Melisa’s book in 2 days. Wow! I wish there something like this available when I was a young(er) adult.I will buy copies for my (adult) kids,my nephews and my nieces. Life ,as Melisa mentions, is chock full of curve balls and that of course is what makes life in the 21st century so interesting. Melisa’s book will help many not to get K.O’d by these curve balls.”

John Chisholm
Founder John Chisholm Consulting

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