Launch of Big Moments

Melisa launched her latest book, Big Moments at the stunning Pietro Gallus Estate in November 2024. Guests included experts that had contributed to Big Moments, colleagues, referral partners, clients and supporters of Madison Sloan Lawyers, together with family and friends.

Whilst enjoying the wonderful hospitality of Pietro Gallus Estate and their amazing food and beverages, guests were treated to some wonderful insights by guest presenters, Darren Kelk, travel agent extraordinaire who provided some engaging and wonderful insights on travel and some all important guidance for those travelling overseas.

Marathon Wonder woman, Jane Kilkenny inspired all in attendance with her amazing accomplishments of not only being a business owner, fitness director author and breast cancer survivor but she has conquered the ultimate of running marathons on all seven continents.

We were also fortunate to have Blue Cross CEO join us to share some wonderful insights that were helpful for those with the difficult task of placing a loved one into care.

Melisa shared her writing journey and how the idea of Big Moments was conceived and her visions of aspiration for her book explaining life is full of many sliding door moments, and the decisions that we make to head in a particular direction change the trajectory of our life forever, whether positive or negative.

As these big moments are unique to us, it is important that we get the right advice so that we can make the best decisions for you, as they will impact the rest of our life.

Melisa explained that like her previous book Legacy, that Big Moments helps those who would benefit from reading it.

In closing Melisa encouraged all attendees to embrace those Big Moments and celebrate the Big Moments in your life, because often we are so busy racing around looking for the next big thing when really we need to stop and take a moment to cherish where we are at that particular moment, to enjoy the moment, celebrate the moment, to embrace it and feel the joy and any other emotion it invokes in us, as really our lives are filled with moments, for both is and others to look back on in later years.

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